A few of my qualifications…
- 99.90 ATAR (2019 Dux of St Patrick's College Ballarat)
- 5+ Years Tutoring Experience
- Completed a Bachelor of Science (Chancellor's Scholar) and Diploma in Music at University of Melbourne (2024)
- Master of Architectural Engineering (graduating 2028)
- VCE 3/4 Specialist Mathematics – 44 (53)
- VCE 3/4 Mathematical Methods (finished Year 11) – 44 (48)
- Pure Maths Education up to 3rd Year University level (High Distinction average)
- Australian Maths Competition (AMC) medallist
- Two-time Australian Maths Olympiad (AMO) participant
- VCE 3/4 Physics – 43 (45)
- Physics Education up to 3rd Year University level (Distinction average with High Distinctions)
- Music Theory Education up to 3rd Year University Level (High Distinction average)
- Compositions and arrangements have been performed by choirs and bands (Newman College Choir 2024, UMMTA Sitz Probe 2022 & 2023)
- Experience in classical singing, piano and flute
- VCE 3/4 Visual Communications and Design (finished Year 11) – 50 (Premier’s Award)
- State-wide art competition winner (2019 JLTAV Events Poster Competition)
- Art and designs featured in Melbourne University showcases and magazines (MSDx 2020 Summer, OmniSci Magazine)